Trendy Back To School Fashion
August 07, 2016

Back to School

Back to School shopping is always a busy time of year for us. Each year as Summer winds down and we start to stock Fall transition style new arrivals and jeans without holes to prep our shoppers for their back to school wardrobes I always reminisce about my high school and college days and have fun sharing memories with my staff! 

Now in year 8 here at Lush, with my staff it's like that quote from Matthew Mcconaughey in Dazed and Confused "I get older.... they stay the sammeeee age". I asked my girls to jot down words that remind them of high school and college in a brainstorm session. As I type this listening to Pandora's Summer hits of the 90's (If you're out there shopping right now and hear Radiohead blaring from the back... it's just me!) and read their words written, the age gap has never been more real! 

Growing up anytime I stepped out in the latest fad whatever it was at the time, I always heard my mom say things like "oh my gosh I wore that in the 80s...." or "oh my gosh I should've saved all my clothes from my early 20s they're all popular again". Those statements have never been more real in my life right now as I find myself repeating those same words to my staff weekly! Substitute 90's for 80's. My first realization that I was now old enough to see fashion cycle back through popularity was when plaids came back a couple years ago. Not just plaids, but tying plaids at the waist. I immediately started fighting the trend and my urge to listen to Nirvana everyday but finally gave in.......

Now, this year I've seen everything 90s make it's way back! Bodysuits, choker necklaces, bandanas, and pretty much any outfit you'd see on the movie Clueless. 

 That same brainstorm session occurred for when I was creating our Back to School collection of graphic t-shirts and tank tops in collaboration with a local vendor! If I had it my way I would've done a "high school has been" collection filled with sayings that related to pagers, (hit me on the hip!) AOL, pogs, discman CD players, and The Macraena.......

I went to a small high school. When I graduated from Piedmont High School in 2003 I graduated with I believe around 110 people in my class. I grew up a complete and total tomboy until around 8th grade when my mom and older sister finally forced me out of my Nike t-shirt, swish shorts, and basketball shoes and into The Buckle for some new girly clothes. I guess you could probably thank both of them for me entering the fashion industry, but you can definitely thank my former tomboy self for my love of graphic t-shirts and gameday apparel

As I read some of the words written down by my staff in our brainstorm session some things about school never change regardless of age! Words like "Friday night football games", "lunch time" "cafeteria food" (I kid you not to this day I still have cravings for some good ol Piedmont High chicken nuggets or chicken spaghetti) "getting your permit" "most likely to..." and "skipping class". 




Cute Back To School T-Shirts

Our Study Buddy t-shirt reflects that previous paragraph! Because everyone's always got a study buddy. Even in college! Even after college! 

Shop the look here:

Study Buddy t-shirt 

Fall solid knit pocket cardigan



Trendy Back To High School T-Shirts

Now boy bands...............

Every 80's girl (actually way before that!) to present had or has a fave boy band! If you're my age and still love boy bands as if you were a middle school girl chances are you've loved and or love them all! Growing up I had all the New Kids on the Block gear there was! Sleeping bags, pillow cases, the Jordan Knight Ken doll..... 

As far as Backstreet Boys vs *Nsync goes.... let's settle this debate right here. Right here in this very blog. Backstreet Boys came out first. I was madly in love with Brian. He might've been my 2nd true love. (My first true love was Will Smith in case you're wondering who topped Brian...) At the time I was always a BSB fan because they were the original in my head. *Nsync was ok but that lead singer Justin had crazy hair. 

Fast forward to high school. Justin goes solo. Just shaves his head. Justin is one of the most talented people on Earth. So Justin ultimately wins but that doesn't count because he's solo. Therefore BSB wins the group battle. The end. You're welcome.

Don't even get me started on One Direction..... that in itself deserves it's own blog one day. 

Shop the boyband look here:

Boy band are my jam unisex t-shirt 

One pocket denim shirt 



Trendy Back To School College T-Shirts

Ah yes. The "Best Dressed". Did your school have most likely categories? Ours called them "mosties". In case you're wondering no I was not voted "best dressed"..... remember that talk about Nike shorts and b-ball shoes? I was voted most athletic....

Every school had that girl who was always first to try the trends. Ours was one of my best friends to this day, Jenn. Even now in our 30s (shhhhh) she still shows up everywhere in trends I haven't even seen yet! 

Shop the best dressed tee here:

Best dressed slouchy v-neck



Trendy Back To School Graphic T-Shirts

 P.E. can be either a kids best friend or worst nightmare. For me it was my best friend and my favorite class! Here's to all the kids that braved the 4 square streets of P.E. class.... you survived! 

Shop the shirt here:

Phys Ed Survivor unisex t-shirt 


Those are just a few of my favorites in the Back to School collection! You'll also find great denim at affordable prices, plaids, denim shirts, and trendy ball caps perfect for college campus! 

Now all I can think about is heading home, binge watching Friends and maybe even breaking out my old CD collection.....


Til next time,


